3 Ways to Lower the Cost of Your Divorce
Divorce can not only be emotionally taxing, but it can also drain your finances. Legal fees, alimony, child support, and property division all can affect your economic situation. However, dissolving your marriage does not need to break the bank. There are strategies that you can use to ease the financial burden that many people experience in divorce.
This article will discuss three ways to lower the cost of your divorce. Consult an Illinois divorce attorney about other ways you can keep your economic future as secure as possible.
Stay Out of Court
One of the best ways to avoid wrecking the bank is to avoid a court battle, also known as litigation. Legal fees for court appearances alone can cost you tens of thousands of dollars, which is particularly high considering litigation is often not necessary. Most divorcing couples are able to reach settlements through alternative dispute resolution.
There are two types of alternative dispute resolution used in divorce:
Mediation: The couple negotiates the issues through a mediator, a neutral party appointed by the court.
Collaborative divorce: The attorneys for both parties work together to negotiate a settlement and assemble teams of professional experts in different fields as necessary.
Usually — with some exceptions — when a couple files for divorce, the judge will automatically order the parties to attend mediation. Only if the couple cannot resolve their differences through a mediator will the case proceed to litigation.
If you are willing to make some compromises and are determined to make mediation work, you can save thousands of dollars in your divorce.
Be Prepared
Many divorces drag on because the parties cannot get their act together. Being well-prepared for a divorce can shorten the process and make it a smoother affair. It can also help you achieve better outcomes if you have your data organized and presentable. Make sure to speak with your attorney about what records and documents you should start gathering and what forms you should begin filling out.
Work With a Great Wheaton, IL Divorce Lawyer
Another way to keep costs as low as possible in a divorce is to hire a great divorce lawyer. Inexperienced or incompetent lawyers can end up placing a strain on your bank account by making mistakes that they then need to go back and fix. Some dishonest lawyers purposefully drag out the divorce process to squeeze more money out of a client. Retaining a professional, honest, and experienced attorney can help keep your divorce as financially painless as possible.
At Goostree Law Group, it is in our best interest to protect your best interests. Our experienced attorneys are highly skilled in keeping the divorce process as smooth and quick as possible, and we are ready to guide you every step of the way. Call 630-364-4046 to schedule a free consultation with a DuPage County, IL divorce attorney today.