5 Reasons to Consider Working with a Divorce Coach
If you are like many people, you are not familiar with the term “divorce coach.” Divorce coaching is a relatively new service that is becoming more and more popular. Ending a marriage can take a massive toll on a person. Divorce can be so overwhelming that some divorcing individuals make mistakes or agree to unfair divorce terms just to get the process over with. A divorce coach provides emotional support and practical guidance to divorcing spouses and helps them navigate the major life changes that accompany divorce. If you are getting divorced, here are five reasons to consider working with a divorce coach.
You Need Help to Get Through this Stressful Life Experience
The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory is a scientific tool first published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research that is used to predict stress-induced health problems. Divorce is listed as the second-most stressful life event on the inventory, just beneath death of a spouse. If you are going through a divorce, you need someone to help you manage this stress.
Your Coach Can Help You Break Down the Divorce Step-By Step
Many people greatly underestimate just how involved the divorce process is until they embark upon it. Valuing and dividing marital assets like real estate and investments, dealing with joint debt, determining a child custody arrangement, and dealing with other divorce issues can be so overwhelming it is paralyzing. An experienced divorce coach will know how to break down divorce obligations and concerns into small, achievable steps.
Divorce Coaching May Benefit Your Co-Parenting Relationship
Any divorced parent can tell you that sharing custody of children with an ex-spouse is no walk in the park. A divorce coach can help you develop your parenting plan and develop skills that will benefit you and your children during your post-divorce co-parenting relationship.
Your Coach Can Teach You Conflict-Resolution and De-escalation Tactics
It is no surprise that emotions run high during divorce. Hostility and unnecessary conflict during divorce can waste time, energy, and money. Divorce coaches help spouses process their emotions, reduce conflict, and avoid adding fuel to the fire.
A Divorce Coach Provides a Listening Ear
Sometimes, when you are going through a challenging time in life, you just need to vent. Divorce coaches provide a kind, non-judgmental listening ear to spouses getting divorced. Many people find that working with a divorce coach gives them the emotional support they need to get through their divorce and build a better future.
Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer
The Goostree Law Group offers legal guidance from experienced Wheaton divorce attorneys as well as trusted divorce coaching. Certified Divorce Coach Paulette Theodosis can help you handle the stress and emotional burdens brought on by divorce. Call 630-364-4046 for a free consultation.