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How to Protect Your Business During an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on March 08,2019 in Asset Division

Wheaton asset division attorneyIf you own a business or professional practice, chances are that is one of your most valuable assets. It takes endless work and a lot of dedication to grow a business and have it become successful. The last thing you want is to have half of it taken away when you get a divorce. Everything you and your spouse have together must be divided before you can finalize your divorce -- and that can include businesses and professional practices. Do not worry -- there are things you can do to make sure your business remains in your possession. Here are five ways you can protect your business during your divorce:

1. Get a Fair Valuation

The first step you should take before you begin dividing up your assets is to get a valuation of your business, so you know what it is worth. Instead of estimating what your business is worth, you may opt to use a court-appointed evaluator who will look at multiple facets of your business to arrive at a valuation. Such aspects include your business records, the business’ goodwill, and business competition. Then, you can hire an outside professional to review the numbers just to make sure everything is square.

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Strategic Social Media Activity for Divorce

 Posted on February 25,2019 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce lawyerAny public activity is potential evidence in court proceedings, including your social media activity. Anything you choose to share or post can become a legally admitted court document in any court case, including your divorce. Although your short rant about your soon-to-be ex-spouse was temporarily stress-relieving -- not to mention the complete validation you felt when your friends and family members supported you through likes, loves, and comments -- you are less likely to experience the same satisfaction when it comes back to haunt you in the courtroom.

Try These Tips at Home

It is ill-advised to avoid social media entirely. Not only is social media an excellent way to grow and maintain the ever-important support system, but it is also a free source of unlimited information. Be on the lookout for posts regarding you or your ex’s behavior, and enlist a trusted friend or family member to help. Immediately address anything that could be potentially damaging to your case. Simultaneously, anything that could help should be brought to the attention of your attorney immediately. Here are some ways you should use social media to your advantage:

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Can an Ex-Spouse Claim Social Security Benefits?

 Posted on February 19,2019 in Asset Division

Naperville asset division divorce lawyerToday, nearly three million ex-spouses within the United States earn Social Security benefits from their former spouse's work records. If you or your ex have Social Security benefits and are officially divorced, you may want to know what rights you have under the law. Additionally, if you are considering divorce, you will want to understand what your spouse is likely to claim in the future. This information can directly impact the divorce judgment with regards to property division and support claims. Consider the following regulations:

Length of Marriage

According to the United States Social Security Administration, if you are divorced, but your marriage lasted at least ten years, an ex-spouse can receive benefits from another spouse’s record. An ex-spouse is still eligible even if the benefiting spouse has remarried. However, if the non-benefitting ex remarried, they can no longer make a claim, unless their new marriage ends, either by death, divorce, or annulment.

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An Explanation of Illinois Relocation Laws

 Posted on February 12,2019 in Child Custody

Naperville child relocaiton lawyerIn many homes, a family may move away from relatives and friends to follow the course of one spouse's career. If, however, the marriage comes to an end, it is only natural that at least part of the family will wish to return home. Or, in another situation, a divorced parent may find another job that removes them from the location of their original family home. Circumstances change continuously, and there are laws designed to help determine the appropriate course of action for families who find themselves in relocation situations. Illinois relocation laws say:

Advanced Notice

When a parent chooses to relocate with a child, they must provide advance written notice to the other parent. This notice must include:

  • The intended moving date;
  • The intended new address;

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Who Pays for College After Divorce?

 Posted on February 05,2019 in Family Law

Wheaton child support lawyerIn today’s job market, it is becoming increasingly necessary to have education beyond a high school diploma. Regardless of whether that means attending a trade school or earning a degree, the price of higher education continues to increase as a direct result of supply and demand economics. Not only do parents feel the pressure to ensure the best life for their children, but Illinois also puts additional pressure on parents to cover this demand by ordering parents to pay for undergraduate education.

The requirement leaves many divorced Illinois parents wondering, who is ultimately responsible for the bill?

Your Divorce Occurred in the Past

If your divorce occurred years ago when college planning was the last thing on your mind, it is not unusual to require a modification of terms. First, review the original divorce decree to see if it included any stipulations regarding higher education. This step must be completed well before the child begins schooling or acquires any education expenses. If the issue was on reserve to review at a later date, failing to discuss the decree until after cost accumulation may result in a denial of assistance for the current expenses.

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An Explanation of Illinois DUI Law

 Posted on January 28,2019 in Uncategorized

Naperville DUI charges attorney Not only is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol imperative to our safety and wellbeing, but it is also against Illinois state laws. The law clearly defines what constitutes driving under the influence, as well as the penalties of being found guilty of such violations. Due to the increased safety concern of impaired driving, the state legislature enacted strict DUI laws in conjunction with severe punishments.

A Brief Summary of Illinois State Law 625 ILCS 5/11-501

According to Illinois state law, it is illegal to drive or otherwise be in physical control of a vehicle when:

  • Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is .08 or higher;
  • You are unable to drive safely due to alcohol or another intoxicating substance;
  • You consumed any amount of any controlled substance; or

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What You Should Know About Working with a Divorce Coach

 Posted on January 23,2019 in Divorce

Napervile divorce coach If you are struggling with thoughts of divorce, the divorce process, or recovering from a recent divorce, an experienced divorce coach can provide the support that you need. Separation brings with it an entire life change, not just for you, but also for your children and close family members. It is an adjustment for everyone involved. A divorce coach can help you to understand and work through a wide range of emotions and also provide support for your situation.

What a Divorce Coach is Not

Before we begin discussing what a divorce coach is, let us explain what it is not. A divorce coach is not a doctor, nor is coaching clinical in any way, as is therapy or counseling. Rather than delving into your past to uncover the underlying causes of your problem, or assuming the existence of a mental health concern, a divorce coach assists you with the divorce process, guiding you to attain your goals, work through decisions, and progress through transitions. A divorce coach will not provide a diagnosis of any kind; and although they can work in conjunction with an attorney, they are not a substitute for your attorney.

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3 Leading Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Coach

 Posted on January 15,2019 in Uncategorized

Wheaton divorce coachIn divorce, sometimes the grief of the loss of a marriage is so overwhelming that clarity and rational thought are difficult to maintain. This period is frequently referred to as an “emotional roller coaster” because emotions run the gamut from sadness to anger and even moments of joy. Brains are unable to act rationally and irrationally simultaneously; therefore, when emotions run high, logic becomes potentially non-existent. Clients coping with a particularly stressful divorce often find relief after consulting with a divorce coach

What is a Divorce Coach?

A divorce coach is a mental health professional trained to assist you and your spouse find effective ways of communicating to nurture healthy discussions regarding children, finances, and other aspects of divorce. A divorce coach is not a therapist, but rather someone that asks questions that help overcome divorce roadblocks.

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Study Announces Student Loan Debt Destroys Marriages: Tips to Prevent it from Happening to You

 Posted on January 07,2019 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce attorneyIt is no secret that money and finances are at the heart of many marital struggles. However, a recent study indicates that student loan debt is responsible for destroying a significant number of marriages. If these debts are to blame for a rift between you and your spouse, you are not alone. Fortunately, in marriage, you have a built-in partner to help you deal with the problem.

This article discusses both the statistics of student loan and divorce, as well as how you can avoid becoming part of this statistic:

An Unaffordable Necessity

In the generations before us, college and post-graduate education was an affordable addition to primary education; although, most high school graduates were able to find a stable career right out of school. Today, even entry-level positions may require some higher learning. Unfortunately, when demand increased for knowledge so did the cost. What once was an affordable option, is now an unaffordable necessity.

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Substantial Tax Law Changes That Will Affect Your Divorce in 2019

 Posted on December 31,2018 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce lawyer alimony taxesWhile no two divorces are identical, they all have one thing in common: they are complicated and stressful. Experts suggest that the only event more stressful than divorce is experiencing the death of a spouse or a child. Even if you and your spouse experience an amicable, mutual separation, and there are only minor disagreements, the process itself is made up of many legal facets that must be resolved before it can be finalized. From child-rearing to finances, the division of a marriage into two separate lives can become troublesome. As if that were not enough, some brand-new divorce laws become effective as of January 1, 2019.

If you are considering divorce now or in the future, these new laws may affect your situation:

Spousal Maintenance Will No Longer Be Tax Deductible

Before 2019, spouses ordered to pay spousal maintenance or alimony were given a substantial deduction during tax season. This deduction often eased the sting of a monthly payment. Experts believe that now, spouses may argue to pay less in alimony as a result.

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